Acceptability Condition for the Relative Validity of Requirements

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A requirements engineering artifact is valid relative to the stakeholders of the system-to-be if they agree on the content of that artifact. Checking relative validity involves a discussion between the stakeholders and the requirements engineer. This paper proposes (i) a language for the representation of information exchanged in a discussion about the relative validity of an artifact; (ii) the acceptability condition, which, when it verifies in a discussion captured in the proposed language, signals that the relative validity holds for the discussed artifact and for the participants in the discussion; and (iii) reasoning procedures to automatically check the acceptability condition in a discussions captured by the proposed language.

A shorter version, below, was presented at RE 2009, 17th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference. That version is below.

Jureta, I., Mylopoulos, J. and Faulkner, S., 2009, August. Analysis of multi-party agreement in requirements validation. In 2009 17th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (pp. 57-66). IEEE.