Incentives in Decision Governance

Incentives in Decision Governance

Decision rights will be exercised, and decision obligations discharged only if there are incentives to do so. If you need to make a decision and bear the consequences, i.e., exercise decision rights and discharge obligations, the only reason to do so is if you see how it makes sense with regards to what you want….

Decision Responsibilities in Decision Governance

Decision Responsibilities in Decision Governance

Being entitled to make decisions carries with it the responsibility for outcomes of actions that the decisions led to. Accountability can be implemented through decision governance by defining responsibilities for outcomes of decisions. The idea that decision responsibilities are the counterpart to decision rights is easy to understand. However, defining useful decision responsibilities involves finding…

Role of Decision Rights in Decision Governance

Role of Decision Rights in Decision Governance

Decision rights are entitlements to act in a certain way and have access to specific information and resources required to make decisions. An executive may be asked to decide if an investment should be made or not, a manager may be deciding between candidates to hire – both are entitlements to make a decision.  The…

How Much Decision Governance Is Enough?

How Much Decision Governance Is Enough?

There are three ways to think about how much decision governance to do. I will call them  The “overall value” approach consists of comparing an estimate of benefits of all decision governance in place, with the costs of complying with it. Benefits include: Both of the above can be attributed to decision governance only if…

When Is Decision Governance Needed?

When Is Decision Governance Needed?

How can you tell if there is a need to do anything to influence how decisions are made, that is, to govern decisions? If any of the following apply, then it is worth investing effort to improve how decisions are made. 

How to Spot Decisions in the Wild?

How to Spot Decisions in the Wild?

A decision is a commitment to a course of action. There is no way to see commitment, which is a problem if you want to spot decisions. Instead, you can see actions people take, and infer from that what they may have committed to – note that you are inferring what they may think or…

Who Is Responsible for Decision Governance in a Firm?

Who Is Responsible for Decision Governance in a Firm?

The corporate function or group will usually have in its scope to decide how decision governance works in a firm. Key design decisions they will make involve who can design how decisions are made, how they can do so, including how to handle changes to, exceptions, and incidents related to how decisions are made.  When…

When is Decision Governance Valuable?

When is Decision Governance Valuable?

Decision governance consists of defining how decisions should be made, and auditing that the processes for doing so are in fact applied. While it often seems like decisions are simply made, and there isn’t much to govern, this is incorrect. It is possible to completely change how to think about decisions, in particular in terms…

Can Decision Governance Be a Source of Competitive Advantage?

Can Decision Governance Be a Source of Competitive Advantage?

Decision governance puts constraints on how decisions are made: e.g., assess impacts of decision options before picking one, estimate probabilities of outcomes of options, elicit preferences of decision makers, and so on. In other words, explain the reasons for a decision before deciding. If these constraints are a source of competitive advantage, then this means…

What is a “Decision” in an Artificial Intelligence System?

What is a “Decision” in an Artificial Intelligence System?

In the context of human decision making, a decision is a commitment to a course of action (see the note here); it involves mental states that lead to specific actions. An AI system, as long as it is a combination of statistical learning algorithms and/or logic, and data, cannot have mental states in the same…

When Is It Useful to Reify Decisions?

When Is It Useful to Reify Decisions?

It has been successfully argued in research on organizations that a decision is an abstraction [1], if it is defined as a commitment to a course of action. If I say that I decided to go skiing tomorrow, is this abstract or concrete? The only thing you can observe will be my behavior and the…