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Group Decision-Making: Common Models in Economics

Group decision-making is a central topic in economics, with frameworks developed to analyze how to coordinate to make decisions collectively. These frameworks address critical issues such as information aggregation, preference aggregation, strategic behavior, and coordination under uncertainty. By understanding these models, decision governance can be designed to accommodate specific group dynamics, member interdependencies, and patterns of behavior. Such insights are essential for explaining decisions made by groups and creating governance mechanisms that promote values and principles aligned with the group’s objectives.

This text is an outline of common approaches in economics research for modeling group decision-making, focusing on their main concepts, applications, and the questions they raise for the design of decision governance.

1. Social Choice Theory

Social choice theory studies how individual preferences are aggregated to form a collective decision. It highlights the inherent difficulties in reconciling individual preferences with group-level outcomes.

1.1. Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem

Proposed by Kenneth Arrow (1951), the theorem demonstrates that no rank-order voting system can simultaneously satisfy all of the following conditions: universality, non-dictatorship, Pareto efficiency, and independence of irrelevant alternatives. Universality requires that all possible preference rankings be considered. Non-dictatorship ensures that no single individual’s preferences dictate the group decision. Pareto efficiency states that if every individual prefers one option over another, the group decision should reflect this preference. Independence of irrelevant alternatives means that the group ranking between two options should not be affected by the presence of other options (Arrow, 1951). Arrow’s theorem highlights the inherent limitations of voting mechanisms in achieving fair and consistent outcomes.

Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem reveals an inherent limitation in voting mechanisms because it exposes a fundamental tension between fairness and consistency. Specifically, the constraints often conflict in ways that force trade-offs:

  1. Universality vs. Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives: Considering all possible preference rankings makes it challenging to maintain consistency when new options are introduced or removed. Adding irrelevant alternatives can sometimes distort outcomes in ways that appear irrational.
  2. Non-Dictatorship vs. Pareto Efficiency: Ensuring no single individual dictates the outcome while satisfying unanimous group preferences can be incompatible in certain voting scenarios.

The result underscores the complexities of aggregating diverse individual preferences into a single group decision. Arrow’s theorem is significant because it highlights that imperfections are unavoidable in voting mechanisms, necessitating compromises depending on the goals of the decision-making process.

1.2. Voting Rules

Various voting rules have been proposed to aggregate individual preferences into collective decisions. These include majority voting, the Borda count, and the Condorcet method. In majority voting, an option that receives more than half the votes is selected. The Borda count assigns points to each option based on its ranking in individual preferences and selects the option with the highest total points. The Condorcet method identifies the option that can win a one-on-one comparison against all other options (Arrow, 1951). While these rules aim to produce fair and stable outcomes, each has limitations. Majority voting may lead to cyclical preferences (Condorcet paradox), while the Borda count can be sensitive to the inclusion of irrelevant alternatives.

1.3. Gibbard-Satterthwaite Theorem

The Gibbard-Satterthwaite theorem extends Arrow’s work by addressing the manipulability of voting systems. The theorem establishes that under certain conditions, any deterministic voting mechanism can be manipulated by individuals who misrepresent their preferences to achieve a more favorable outcome (Satterthwaite, 1975). This result underscores the strategic considerations that arise in group decision-making and the challenge of designing mechanisms that are both fair and strategy-proof.

Social choice models are widely applied in political economy, public choice theory, and organizational decision-making contexts. They provide a foundation for understanding how preferences can be aggregated while highlighting the trade-offs and limitations inherent in collective decision-making processes.

2. Game-Theoretic Models

Game theory analyzes strategic behavior in decision-making that involves interactions between individuals, including when individuals act in their self-interest. Group decisions are studied through two primary branches, cooperative and non-cooperative game theory.

2.1. Cooperative Game Theory

This branch focuses on scenarios where binding agreements can be enforced. Cooperative game theory examines how coalitions form and how the payoffs from cooperation are distributed among participants. Key concepts include the core, which identifies allocations that no coalition can improve upon, and the Shapley value, which provides a method for fairly distributing payoffs based on each participant’s contribution (Shapley, 1953). The Nash bargaining solution identifies equitable outcomes in bargaining situations where participants negotiate over a surplus. Cooperative models are widely applied in areas such as resource allocation, partnerships, and collective bargaining.

2.2. Non-Cooperative Game Theory

Non-cooperative games focus on individual strategies in the absence of binding agreements. Players act independently to maximize their payoffs, and the resulting equilibrium outcomes are analyzed using concepts such as the Nash equilibrium (Nash, 1950). In a Nash equilibrium, no player can unilaterally deviate from their strategy to improve their outcome, given the strategies chosen by others. Non-cooperative game theory has applications in auctions, negotiations, and voting equilibria, where individuals balance strategic considerations with collective outcomes.

Applications of game-theoretic models include negotiations, auctions, and voting strategies. For example, voting equilibria in political settings are often studied using non-cooperative frameworks.

3. Bayesian Models and Information Aggregation

Bayesian models address decision-making under uncertainty when participants possess private information. These models emphasize how information is aggregated to form group decisions.

3.1. Bayesian Voting

Bayesian voting frameworks analyze how individuals combine private information with prior beliefs to make collective decisions. The Condorcet Jury Theorem (1785) demonstrates that when voters act independently and possess even slightly better than random information, the majority decision is more likely to be correct as the group size increases. This result highlights the potential for groups to aggregate information effectively, provided independence of individual decisions is maintained.

3.2. Strategic Information Transmission

Strategic communication models, such as Crawford and Sobel’s (1982) cheap talk framework, analyze how agents with private information strategically transmit or withhold information. When incentives are misaligned, communication can be distorted, leading to inefficiencies in decision-making. These models are particularly relevant in organizational settings, where information asymmetry between managers and employees may affect group outcomes.

3.3. Bayesian Games

Bayesian games extend non-cooperative game theory to scenarios with incomplete information. Participants form beliefs about the types and strategies of others, updating these beliefs using Bayesian inference (Harsanyi, 1967). Bayesian models provide insights into decision-making under uncertainty, such as committees making collective judgments or investors responding to signals in financial markets.

4. Behavioral Models

Behavioral economics introduces psychological factors into group decision-making, revealing deviations from rational choice assumptions.

4.1. Herding Behavior

Individuals in groups may imitate the actions of others, either due to information cascades (Bikhchandani et al., 1992) or social influences. In information cascades, individuals ignore their private information and follow the observed behavior of others, leading to group outcomes that may be suboptimal. Herding behavior can explain phenomena such as financial bubbles, panic in markets, and the spread of trends.

4.2. Groupthink

Groupthink describes the tendency for groups to prioritize consensus over critical evaluation of alternatives. Janis (1972) identified symptoms of groupthink, including overconfidence, pressure to conform, and neglect of risks. Groupthink often results in flawed decision-making processes, as dissenting opinions are suppressed and alternative solutions are overlooked.

4.3. Fairness and Reciprocity

Behavioral models also account for preferences related to fairness, equity, and reciprocity. Experimental evidence, such as the ultimatum game, shows that individuals may reject unequal offers even at a personal cost, indicating a preference for fairness over pure utility maximization (Güth et al., 1982). These insights are relevant in bargaining, negotiations, and group cooperation.

5. Mechanism Design and Incentive Models

Mechanism design studies how to align individual incentives with group objectives, particularly under conflicting interests.

5.1. Incentive Compatibility

Mechanisms are designed to ensure truthful reporting of preferences or information. For example, Vickrey auctions incentivize individuals to bid truthfully by aligning their dominant strategy with truthful behavior (Vickrey, 1961). Incentive-compatible mechanisms are essential for achieving efficient outcomes in group settings.

5.2. Principal-Agent Models

These models address decision-making within hierarchies, where a principal delegates decisions to agents. Issues such as moral hazard and adverse selection arise when agents’ actions or information deviate from the principal’s objectives (Holmström, 1979). Principal-agent frameworks are widely used to analyze contracts, delegation, and monitoring systems.

5.3. Market Design

Market design applies mechanism design principles to real-world markets, such as matching markets. The Gale-Shapley algorithm (1962) ensures stable matches in markets such as school admissions or job placements. Market design improves group outcomes by aligning incentives and ensuring stability.


Economics research provides diverse frameworks for analyzing group decision-making, including social choice theory, game theory, Bayesian models, behavioral insights, and mechanism design. Each approach offers a different set of tools to understand how preferences, incentives, and information shape collective decisions.

References and Further Reading
  • Arrow, K. J. (1951). Social Choice and Individual Values. Wiley.
  • Bikhchandani, S., Hirshleifer, D., & Welch, I. (1992). A theory of fads, fashion, custom, and cultural change as informational cascades. Journal of Political Economy, 100(5), 992-1026.
  • Crawford, V. P., & Sobel, J. (1982). Strategic information transmission. Econometrica, 50(6), 1431-1451.
  • Gale, D., & Shapley, L. S. (1962). College admissions and the stability of marriage. American Mathematical Monthly, 69(1), 9-15.
  • Güth, W., Schmittberger, R., & Schwarze, B. (1982). An experimental analysis of ultimatum bargaining. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 3(4), 367-388.
  • Harsanyi, J. C. (1967). Games with incomplete information played by Bayesian players. Management Science, 14(3), 159-182.
  • Holmström, B. (1979). Moral hazard and observability. Bell Journal of Economics, 10(1), 74-91.
  • Janis, I. L. (1972). Victims of Groupthink. Houghton Mifflin.
  • Nash, J. F. (1950). The bargaining problem. Econometrica, 18(2), 155-162.
  • Satterthwaite, M. A. (1975). Strategy-proofness and Arrow’s conditions: Existence and correspondence theorems for voting procedures and social welfare functions. Journal of Economic Theory, 10(2), 187-217.
  • Shapley, L. S. (1953). A value for n-person games. In Contributions to the Theory of Games II (pp. 307-317). Princeton University Press.
  • Vickrey, W. (1961). Counterspeculation, auctions, and competitive sealed tenders. Journal of Finance, 16(1), 8-37.
  • Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem: A theorem proving that no voting system can satisfy a set of fairness criteria simultaneously (Arrow, 1951).
  • Bayesian Games: A game-theoretic framework where players have incomplete information about others and update their beliefs using Bayesian inference.
  • Condorcet Jury Theorem: A result stating that under certain conditions, majority voting leads to correct decisions as group size increases (Condorcet, 1785).
  • Mechanism Design: The study of designing systems or mechanisms to achieve desired outcomes by aligning incentives.
  • Rank-Order Voting System: A voting method in which voters rank options in order of preference, and the rankings are used to determine the collective outcome.
Decision Governance

This text is part of the series on the design of decision governance. Other texts on the same topic are linked below. This list expands as I add more texts on decision governance.

Introduction to Decision Governance

  1. What is Decision Governance?
  2. What Is a High Quality Decision?
  3. When is Decision Governance Needed?
  4. When is Decision Governance Valuable?
  5. How Much Decision Governance Is Enough?
  6. Are Easy Options the Likely Choice?
  7. Can Decision Governance Be a Source of Competitive Advantage?

Stakeholders of Decision Governance 

  1. Who Is Responsible for Decision Governance in a Firm?
  2. Who are the Stakeholders of Decision Governance?
  3. What Interests Do Stakeholders Have in Decision Governance?
  4. What the Organizational Chart Says about Decision Governance

Foundations of Decision Governance

  1. How to Spot Decisions in the Wild?
  2. When Is It Useful to Reify Decisions?
  3. Decision Governance Is Interdisciplinary
  4. Individual Decision-Making: Common Models in Economics
  5. Group Decision-Making: Common Models in Economics
  6. Individual Decision-Making: Common Models in Psychology
  7. Group Decision-Making: Common Models in Organizational Theory

Role of Explanations in the Design of Decision Governance

  1. Explaining Decisions
  2. Simple & Intuitive Models of Decision Explanations
  3. Max(Utility) from Variety & Taste
  4. Expected Uncertainty to Unexpected Utility
  5. Perceptiveness & Experience Shape Rapid Choices

Design of Decision Governance

  1. The Design Space for Decision Governance
  2. Decision Governance Concepts: Situations, Actions, Commitments and Decisions
  3. Decision Governance Concepts: Outcomes to Explanations
  4. Slow & Complex Decision Governance and Its Consequences

Design Parameters of Decision Governance

Design parameters of decision governance, or factors that influence decision making and that we can influence through decision governance:

  • Factors influencing how an individual selects and processes information
  • Factors influencing information the individual can gain access to

Factors influencing how an individual selects and processes information in a decision situation, including which information the individual seeks and selects to use:

  1. Psychological factors, which are determined by the individual, including their reaction to other factors:
    1. Attention:
    2. Memory:
    3. Mood
    4. Emotions:
    5. Temporal Distance:
    6. Social Distance:
    7. Expectations
    8. Uncertainty
    9. Attitude
    10. Values
    11. Goals:
    12. Preferences
    13. Competence
  2. Social factors, which are determined by relationships with others:
    1. Impressions of Others:
    2. Reputation
    3. Social Hierarchies:
    4. Social Learning:

Factors influencing information the individual can gain access to in a decision situation, and the perception of possible actions the individual can take, and how they can perform these actions:

Change of Decision Governance

  1. Public Policy and Decision Governance:
  2. Compliance to Policies:
  3. Transformation of Decision Governance
  4. Mechanisms for the Change of Decision Governance